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Telehealth offers a solution if you are experiencing challenges with your current medical services in the Northern Territory.  

Read on and explore how telehealth medical care can revolutionise healthcare in your area.

A Snapshot of Healthcare Services in Northern Territory

The Northern Territory (NT) is situated in northern and central Australia and has the smallest population among all federal states and territories.

Aside from Darwin and the satellite city of Palmerston, most of the NT is classified as remote or very remote.

Due to the sparse environment, health services are only sometimes readily available, which puts rural patients at a disadvantage regarding their healthcare.

Telehealth appointments are a great way to fill the gaps and lower the disparity between rural and metropolitan Australians.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth uses technology to provide remote healthcare, reducing reliance on face-to-face medical appointments.

Patients can simply book an appointment and meet with a registered online doctor via a video call from their location of choice.

All you need for a telehealth appointment is a mobile phone or tablet.

Please note that devices must have the following features:

  • internet connection
  • A camera such as on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with webcam
  • Headphones or speakers
  • Microphone

These components will ensure quality audio and video performance, enabling you to have the best experience with your online doctor.

Online Doctor NT Services Available Through Private Medical Telehealth

While telehealth does have limitations, it can provide patients with many essential healthcare services.

Some of the most prominent services include the following:

  • A diagnosis and advice on managing your symptoms - available for individuals of all ages.
  • Online prescriptions
  • Online medical certificates
  • Serving as your online family GP
  • Referrals to other practitioners or medical specialists

Benefits of Telehealth for NT Residents

Are you curious about how remote appointments can work for you? Read on for more information on how patients in your area are benefiting from telehealth.

Accessible and Readily Available Healthcare:

While there are public teaching hospitals in Darwin and Alice Springs, and smaller public hospitals in Nhulunbuy, Katherine and Tennant Creek, many communities still need easy access to hospitals or doctors.

As a result, residents often have to endure long, costly, and stressful journeys to seek medical care.

Telehealth allows patients to access professional healthcare without stepping foot outside their homes.

When patients face internet connectivity challenges, they can visit closer local community services like libraries to access the necessary care.

Improved Continuity of Care:

Since sitting in front of a doctor can take so long, it can be hard to monitor your health progress.

Through telehealth, patients can regularly connect with healthcare providers to monitor their progress, review ongoing treatments, and receive specialist referrals when needed.

You can arrange to meet with the same practitioner when making a telehealth appointment. This continuity enables a comprehensive understanding of the patient's healthcare history, ensuring a thorough approach to healthcare.


Tackling Northern Territory Health Issues:

One in three residents of NT are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Unfortunately, the health outcomes for Aboriginal people int he NT tend to be poorer compared to non-Aboriginal residents, with significantly higher rates of diabetes, kidney disease, sexually transmitted infections, and substance abuse (reported by Health direct ).

Additionally, the remote nature of many communities in the NT contributes to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can further exacerbate mental health problems.

At Private Medical, we offer personalised solutions for chronic care, dedicated mental health appointments and general health and wellness consultations.


Book A Private Medical NT Telehealth Appointment Online or By Phone

If  you are ready to embark on your telehealth journey, schedule an appointment by booking an online appointment or calling us directly on 135 001.

For any further information or enquiries, please contact us; our Medical Services Administration team are always happy to assist.