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Telehealth is an innovative service that is changing the landscape of Australian healthcare.

Simply book an online doctor appointment and see how easy it is to interact with registered online doctors at your convenience.

A Snapshot of Healthcare Services in South Australia

South Australia shares its borders with every mainland state of Australia; it includes the bustling Adelaide metropolitan area and vast rural and remote areas.

Data from the 2021 census taken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics has shown that the SA population is generally sicker and older than many of the mainland states, putting extra strain on vital healthcare services.

Telehealth offers the ideal solution to this problem by making healthcare more accessible and convenient.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth uses technology to provide healthcare remotely without the need for in-person consultations.

Patients can easily secure an appointment with a licenced Australian doctor via a video call, all from the comfort of their homes or any Australia-wide location

To have a Telehealth GP appointment, you only need a mobile phone or tablet.

Please note that devices must have the following features:

  • internet connection
  • A camera such as on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with webcam
  • Headphones or speakers
  • A microphone

These features will enable you to communicate clearly and confidently with your practitioner, allowing you to get the most out of your consultation.

Online Doctor SA Services Available Through Private Medical Telehealth

While telehealth has limitations, it can provide various types of healthcare, especially for non-emergency situations that do not require immediate medical attention or physical examination.

These services include the following:

  • A diagnosis and advice on managing your symptoms - available for individuals of all ages.
  • Online prescriptions
  • Online medical certificates
  • Serving as your online family GP
  • Referrals to other practitioners or medical specialists

Benefits of Telehealth for SA Residents

Learn how South Australian healthcare can be managed effectively using telehealth.

Better Accessibility:

Accessibility can be a barrier to all residents in the SA area.

Whether you are less mobile, geographically remote or competing for in-demand GP appointments - you could benefit from a telehealth healthcare appointment.

You can book it for a time that suits you and take the call wherever you feel comfortable.

Need urgent care? Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that people living in outer regional, remote or very remote areas were more likely to wait 24 hours or more to see a GP for urgent medical care than those living in major cities (49.5% compared to 35.5%).

Telehealth can help alleviate this issue by providing ASAP care when appropriate.

Targeted Care for South Australians:

Telehealth services offer effective solutions for addressing various health issues, with chronic care being a prominent area of focus in South Australia (SA).

Data from the ABS 2021 census shows South Australia is the sickest of the mainland states, with 42.1 per cent of respondents reporting at least one long-term medical condition.

This data was above the national average of 39.8 per cent and higher than any other mainland state.

Private Medical telehealth can provide quality chronic care to prevent diseases from getting worse, reduce emergency room visits and improve a patient's overall quality of life.

Private and Confidential Healthcare Alternative:

SA Health is a government agency that has embraced telehealth as a regular service, demonstrating its ability to improve healthcare delivery and overall outcomes.

However, Private Medical is a great alternative for patients who would prefer to keep their healthcare confidential.

Our online doctor's appointments can be kept entirely separate from government, insurance and other health providers to ensure complete privacy. 

Try a Private Medical Telehealth Appointment From Your Home or Any Location in South Australia

Private Medical provides healthcare to patients Australia-wide.

If you want to embark on your telehealth journey, consider scheduling an appointment by booking an online appointment or calling us on 135 001.

For further information or enquiries, please contact us; our Medical Services Administration team is always happy to assist.