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Are you looking to take control of your healthcare? Telehealth could be the answer.

Discover more about online doctors and how they can provide vital medical care.

A Snapshot of Healthcare Services in Tasmania

Tasmania is home to stunning coasts and forestry, however much of the region is isolated from the cities and amenities.

It has four major public hospitals and a network of rural hospitals which provide multipurpose, integrated services, such as residential aged care, general practice and community health services.

Although the health of Tasmanians appears to be improving, there are still persistent challenges associated with ageing, disability, and chronic illnesses.

To enhance existing healthcare services, Tasmanians could consider using telehealth to their advantage.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth uses technology to provide healthcare remotely without the need for in-person appointments.

Patients can easily book an appointment with a registered doctor and attend a video call with them, all from the comfort of their homes -all you need is a mobile phone or tablet.

Please note that your device must have the following features:

  • Internet connection
  • A camera such as on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with webcam
  • Headphones or speakers
  • Microphone

These components ensure you can communicate efficiently with your practitioner and get the best results from your online consultation.

Online Doctor TAS Services Available Through Private Medical Telehealth

While telehealth has limitations, it can provide various types of healthcare services, such as:

  • A diagnosis and advice on managing your symptoms - available for individuals of all ages.
  • Online prescriptions
  • Online medical certificates
  • Serving as your online family GP
  • Referrals to other practitioners or medical specialists

Benefits of Telehealth for Residents of Tasmania

Tasmania is contending with unique healthcare challenges. Learn how telehealth can tackle them and help the local population.

Improved Accessibility:

Accessibility to quality healthcare in remote regions like Tasmania can be a significant challenge.

However, by choosing telehealth appointments, individuals eliminate the need for travel, expenses, and stress associated with accessing healthcare services.

Instead, patients can conveniently take the appointment from the comfort of their own homes, fitting it into their work schedule or childcare responsibilities.

Licenced Private Medical doctors are on standby to help with specific illness management, family medicine and general health and wellness routine checks - all you need to do is book an appointment to get started.

Improve Specific Healthcare Challenges in Tasmania:

Telehealth can be leveraged to help manage significant health burdens in Tasmania.

For instance, chronic conditions are the leading cause of illness, disability, and mortality in the area.

Approximately half of all Tasmanian adults report living with a chronic condition. This is the highest proportion of all jurisdictions in Australia, yet the area has a lower ratio of GPs per capita than the national average.

Telehealth can compensate for the limited number of GPs by providing an alternative means of delivering essential chronic care services from Australia-registered online doctors.


Reduce the Pressure on Face-to-face Appointments and Hospital Emergency Rooms:

A Needs Assessment Report commissioned by Primary Health Tasmania revealed that between 2016–2017 and 2020–2021, there were 50,853 potentially preventable hospital admissions to Tasmania’s four largest public hospitals.

Through sufficient monitoring, treatment reviews, and regular check-ins, virtual appointments can alleviate the strain on face-to-face meetings and hospital emergency departments.


Schedule a Private Medical Telehealth Appointment in Tasmania

To transform your healthcare, schedule a telehealth consultation by booking an online appointment or calling Private Medical on 135 001.

For extra information or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us; our administration team are always happy to assist.