PM Health HUB

Telehealth News & Blog

How to Manage Your Health and Wellness with Telehealth

April 2023

Health and wellness contribute to a high quality of life, but maintaining them can be challenging, especially if you already have a lot on your plate.

With our simple and efficient telehealth appointments, you can access medical, health, and wellness care when and whereit suits you best.

Whether you’re seeking nutritional adviceor a diagnosis for your symptoms, take control of your welfare with the supportof our General Health and Wellness checkups.

Using Telehealth for Healthand Wellness

Telehealth is a revolutionary step in the medical world. Thanks to technology, our professionals can conduct virtualappointments with patients across Australia through their computers, laptops,smartphones or tablets.

You can book an appointment at a time that suits you and take the consultation from the comfort of your home.

This advancement is efficient, convenientand particularly effective for handling routine health checks and medical needs.

How We Can Help

We can provide you with telehealth assistance in the following areas.

Lifestyle choices

Diet and nutrition are some of the most significant health-related concerns. Feeding your body the right foods can increase your overall health and ability to fight potential diseases and infections.

Similarly, overcoming alcohol, drugs, or tobacco usage benefits a healthy lifestyle.

To start your journey or help keep you on track, we can pair you with a specialist clinician or diet doctor who can assess your health, monitor your condition, and outline practical strategies toget you feeling your best.


Health check-ups

If you have any specific health issues you would like to seek advice about, booking a telehealth appointment is a great option.

Use our service to schedule a general routine check or get access to the care you need when it is most convenient.

With telehealth, you can choose your doctor and develop an ongoing rapport to meet your primary healthcare needs. You canalso use this service to complement your existing relationships with other health professionals.

Our skilled medical professionals can help patients with topics such as:

●      Age-specific health advice and checks

●      Family medicine

●      Mental health support

●      Women's,men’s or children’s health

●      Maternal health and wellbeing

●      Medication management

●      Occupational and travel medicine advice.

Please be aware that we cannot assist with severe conditions requiring an immediate medical assessment or where close visual and physical examination is required.



If you’re not feeling yourself or need help managing a potential underlying health condition, we can assess your symptoms and order tests to identify the issue.

With this knowledge, our doctors and physicians can advise on how to manage your situation, plus make the necessary interventions to benefit your health,such as:

●      Prescribe medications

●      Make referrals

●      Provide medical certificates

●      Arrange follow-up appointments to monitor your condition and progress.

It’s advisable to write down your symptoms, problems, or a timeline of events before your telehealth consultation. These notes will help to organise your thoughts and effectively communicate your concerns to your doctor.

With the help of this information, we can provide precise advice and treatment that is best suited to your needs.

Contact Private Medical

If you or a family member would like to arrange a Health and Wellness consultation, Book an Appointment now.

Scan our calendar to find a time and date that suits you. Alternatively, call 135 001, and our administration team will happily arrange an appointment for you.

For any additional advice, guidance or information, please contactus. Leave a message via our online contact enquiry form, email or call 135 001.

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